Thursday, December 30, 2010

New Year, New Thoughts

The fact that 2010 is almost over continues to amaze me. The last year has brought so much change and been so wonderful its conclusion has me both excited and apprehensive for what 2011 will bring.

I moved from New Orleans to Maine in June, my son was born in September and my baby daddy proposed in December. It has been a whirlwind and I have loved every moment of it. I end the year so grateful for all I have and so hopeful for what is to come.

Speaking of that, as I gave up New Years Resolutions long ago, this year I have decided to implement New Years Projects. Instead of swearing off sugar or pretending I will lose the last 10 pounds I want to I will be engaging in two projects in 2011 (in addition to planning a wedding and raising a very active 3 1/2 month old).

The first you will see here on this blog. I am developing a survey to test my theory on failure and with the help of you (all 3 of you who read this) I hope to see if I am heading in the right direction...and then try to publish my findings and their applicability in the business world.

The second you can find here: Here I am challenging myself to write a micro story each day inspired by one of my Facebook friends status updates. Don't worry I don't plan on writing about any of them...I am just going to use their words as inspiration. And as part of this I am challenging you loyal readers (all 3 of you) to play your own micro stories...or add to one of mine.

Anyway, whether you have resolutions or projects for 2011 or not. I want to thank all of you who make my life wonderful and challenging and amazing everyday. Without you I would not be where I am today. And where I am, is finally, where I want to be.

Much luck in 2011!

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