Tuesday, January 21, 2014

3 Myths About Writing a Novel

It is said so often people joke about it..."I'm just going to quit my job and write a novel."  And with the changes in publishing, the rise of the e-book and the increasing validity of self-publishing pretty much anyone can write, and publish their work.  This is amazing...but just because you can do it doesn't mean it will be easy...so let's debunk the top 3 myths about writing your first novel:

Myth 1: I have a great story in my head all I need is the time to write it down

You may have a great story in your head.  But writing a novel is a lot more than that.  It is the dedication to write every day, to re-write and delete.  It is going through the process of editing and formatting and designing.  A great story does not a great novel make...so if you have a great story, start writing, but that is only step 1 in the process.

Myth 2: Writing is easy

Anyone who has tried to write a novel knows this is not true.  Even if writing is easy, writing a novel is not.  Even when the content flows easily and your story is engaging it is still work.  It still requires discipline and thoughtfulness.  You need to create characters who come alive on the pages, who your readers invest in.  You need to avoid the types of mistakes that disconnect a reader form the story...mistakes about time and place for example.  You need to consider who you are writing for...this will inform the types of words you use or references you make.

Myth 3: I can do everything myself...I don't need an designer, proofreader, publisher

You are right you can.  But that doesn't mean you should.  This is where your friends and colleagues can help you...you don't need to spend thousands for a professionally designed cover but you should talk to the guy you get coffee with sometimes you designs websites for a living and see if he can help you.  You don't need a proofreader, but you should ask your friend who always remembers which "there" to use if she would read it over and mark it up for you.  You don't need a publisher, but you will need to learn about formatting for the different platforms you can self-publish on and you will need to think about how you will market and promote your book once it is done.

Writing a novel isn't as glamorous as it sounds...but it is rewarding and it is doable.  Just make sure you think the whole process through...that way your final book will be something you are proud of.

So where do you start?  Wherever you want...write a character sketch, start at the beginning, start at the end, draw out a timeline or create a family tree.  And then do something every day. 

1 comment:

Jim said...

This is great. Applies to nonfiction, too!

Glad I found your blog and thanks for the follow on Twitter.

To writing!