Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Glass Ceilings

I wish that women could get out their own way long enough to stop making our entire gender look bad. Perhaps it is the position we find ourselves in. Having spent so many years demanding equality without thinking about what that would cost us. Without considering the damage we might do if someday we actually did break through the elusive and reinforced glass ceiling.

From business to politics to the tabloids, we may read about men failing, getting caught in scandals, being put in jail. But we aren't reading about the women at all - even those women who try to climb the corporate ladder, or reach the highest echelons of politics find themselves either riding the coat tails of, or being brought down by a man.

Now I am no feminist. But until we find a way to stop digging the divide between us deeper by believing we are playing on their home field with paid off refs, nothing will change. I'm thinking of starting a new in which women stop trying to compete with men at ever turn, and embrace the things in ourselves that make us valuable. Not as women in a man's world. But as people, in our world.

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