Sunday, April 25, 2010

Heading Home

The school year is coming to a close here in NOLA. Our high stakes testing is over. The kids did so well, took it so seriously and I can't help but be proud of them. Even though we won't know the results for a few weeks they did their best and that is really all you can ask of anyone.

It's hard to think back to a year ago. I was just telling people I was leaving. Looking for an apartment and planning my new life here in New Orleans. That was just last year. And already so much has changed. I guess the old adage "what a difference a year makes" was said for a reason.

My separation from my ex-husband has yielded a very amicable divorce and as of June 12th our marriage will be formally dissolved by the state of Massachusetts. A year ago I would not have predicted that.

I am heading back to New England for a tour of my future on Tuesday...returning to work at EMI (I am very excited), closing on a beautiful home in Maine with my boyfriend of nine months (also very excited), and spending a weekend with his family to celebrate the marriage of one of his family members.

So I am finally heading home. Back to Maine where I was born and raised and for some time swore I would never return to. But now it feels like the perfect place to start my life again, to raise a family, and to build the community and relationships that I have always looked for. The last year has been an amazing ride, and while NOLA was never a permanent stopping place I couldn't have gotten to where I am now without it. This past year has taught me more about myself, and about the person I want to be then any year previous and I will always be grateful for the city, my school and the wonderful people I met here for helping me to learn that about myself. I'll post some pictures after we close on the house. I can't wait to paint walls, rip up carpet and cut down trees.

I never thought it would feel so good to have identified "home" and to know that is where I am headed.

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