Thursday, March 4, 2010

This Week's Thoughts

There is a tiredness that comes with this job that I have never known. A daily reminder that life is not fair and not just in places like Haiti. That here in this country there is a significant portion of Americans that we have forgotten. Overlooked. That this American city, that just spent weeks in the national spotlight as Mardi Gras and the Saints Superbowl ruled the news remains in disrepair. So for what it's worth here is what has been on my mind this week:

1. inclusion remains a bad idea in our nations schools
2. no matter how many new, well educated (they call us highly qualified) teachers enter the schools of the countries urban and rural poor there needs to be a fundamental shift in how parents, community members and students see education before a change will ever happen
3. when a student hits a teacher they should be expelled. period.
4. we really do over diagnose and over medicate for ADD and ADHD, and no one seems to read the warning labels for putting children as young as 11 on adult dosages of drug like Aderall
4a. one of the most common side effects of being given too much Aderall (as in an adult dose to a child) is paranoia, hearing voices and other mental issues that look a lot like schizophrenia
5. I am growing tired of sleeping in the constant glow of a parking garage
6. I own a cat who sleeps with his tongue hanging out
7. Someday I would like to teach in an actual school building - not a modular trailer
8. I miss MOOO mac and cheese on Fridays, Zen Philadelphia rolls during the week and Capital Coffee House bacon, egg and cheese sandwich's on Saturday morning
9. I love coffee with chicory and beignets and will miss them when I leave NOLA
10. I need to find a new good book
11. I plan to start bringing a camera with me everywhere - this city has so many faces and I feel like I need to start capturing at least a few of them.
12. I am not a morning person
13. I am going to start practicing the piano again

Time moves in circles. Numbers take on importance. 25 days until my students take the key state test. 16 school days until the end of this marking period. 35 school days until my next trip to Boston. 42 days until I turn 31. 22 days since my divorce was final. 1 work day until the weekend. 4 hours until I go to bed. 40 minutes since I ate frozen waffles for dinner. I try to spend more time looking forward then looking back. I guess that the last thought for this week.

15. focus on whats ahead.

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