Friday, February 22, 2008

Stumbling and Tumbling onto Happiness

With the exception of the few people I know who, in general, take little notice of the world around them no one is happy. This is not after work drink or dinner table conversation however, and so we all seem to cling to our own unhappiness, wrap ourselves in it like a childhood safety blanket and let it define us.

When I saw the cover of Stumbling on Happiness out of the corner of my eye in Borders on Newbury Street, I wasn't looking for a book on how to be happy, in fact I was just killing time until the Guess Store opened next door. But the picture of an overturned bowl of cherries spilling onto the white cover attracted my somewhat short attention span and I quickly became engrossed in the book.

I am not one for self-help books, or even attempting self-help. But I could not put Daniel Gilbert's book down. A link to his site with information about the book and his blog is below. I am still unhappy. But after reading his book I have a better understanding why, and this is all the book ever promises.

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